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Can You Drive Without Wiper Fluid Cap? (Answered)

can you drive without a wiper fluid cap

The windshield wiper fluid cap is a cap that fits snugly on top of your windshield washer fluid reservoir tank. How important is it? Can you drive without a wiper fluid cap?

You can drive without a wiper fluid cap, but it is highly recommended to have it replaced as soon as possible. Not only does this cap keep your wiper fluid in the reservoir, but it also helps keep debris and dirt out.

A windshield wiper reservoir without a cap exposes it to the outside elements. Dirt and debris can make its way into the wiper fluid system which can cause clogs and prevent your wipers from operating properly.

Are Windshield Washer Caps Universal?

Windshield washer caps are, for the most part, not universal. While many makes and models of cars will use a similar cap, not all vehicles have the same size cap. For example, a wiper fluid cap for a Lexus can be ever so slightly different than one for a Honda.

The best way to ensure you are getting a correct replacement cap is to check with the store or retailer you are buying from. There should be a master list showing whether or not the cap will be compatible with the make, model, and year of your car.

How Do I Change/Replace the Windshield Wiper Fluid Cap?

With modern cars, SUVs, and trucks, the windshield washer tank is commonly located on either the driver or passenger side.

The tank should be clear/white in color and will usually be filled with blue windshield wiper fluid. It is usually separate from all of your engines components and should be easily in reach and accessible.

Once you have located the reservoir tank, you will need to simply push a new cap onto the top of the tank. Washer fluid caps will usually have an attached bracket that will first need to be installed.

This little piece helps prevent the cap from falling into the engine bay when you are refilling the fluid.

The cap should fit snug and should not be able to be easily popped off. If the cap fits loosely, you may have gotten the incorrect size, or a poor quality part.

Does Windshield Wiper Fluid Cap Color Matter?

The color of your windshield wiper fluid cap does not matter. When looking for a cap, you will see a few different colors to choose from. A few of the common colors you will see are blue, black, and yellow. We recommend using the same color cap that your car came with.

Or, you could pick a color that makes your wiper fluid reservoir of your engine bay stand out so you can easily find where your washer fluid is the next time you pop open your hood.

Other than aesthetics and helping you find where your windshield wiper reservoir is, the color of the cap is solely personal preference.

Each cap also has a small design of a windshield on it so you won’t get it confused with any of the other fluid caps in your engine bay.

Where to Buy Windshield Washer Fluid Cap

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There are many different physical and online stores where you can purchase replacement windshield washer reservoir caps.

The quickest and most hassle free way to get a new cap would be by visiting your local auto parts store.

Many of these stores should have these caps readily available for purchase in their store as this is a a piece that is commonly broken or lost.


AutoZone is one of the most common hardware stores in the US. We recommend checking out AutoZones website, or visiting their store in person.

The store associates are a great help and will be able to make sure you are purchasing the correct part for your vehicle.

Napa Auto Parts

Napa Auto Parts is another huge retailer in the United States. Similar to AutoZone, you can go into their store and be helped on the spot by a professional.

They will be able to show you all the parts that are compatible with the year, make, and model of your specific vehicle.

O’Reilly Auto Parts

O’Reilly Auto Parts is another popular automotive parts store in the United States. It is similarly ran like AutoZone and Napa Auto Parts.

Simply ask the store associate for assistance and they will have no problem in finding the right parts for your car.


Amazon is a great option if you don’t want to leave your house. You can simply search for a washer fluid cap on their online store and use the provided Amazon confirmed fit feature.

This feature allows you to input your vehicles year, make, and model, and will tell you if the part you are looking at will fit your car.


Walmart is like the physical Amazon store, they have just about everything you can look for. However, we do not recommend going to Walmart for your automotive needs, as the customer service in these stores is lackluster at best.

It may be hard to flag down an employee, and an even longer time to find out if a part is compatible with your vehicle.

To check the current price and availability of windshield washer reservoir caps, click here to view the selection on Amazon.

Final Thoughts

You can drive without a windshield washer reservoir cap, but we highly recommend against it. The first time you notice that your cap is missing you should immediately seek a replacement cap.

Take note that windshield washer reservoir caps are not universal and will come in a variety of colors and sizes. Before purchasing a new cap, double check to make sure it is compatible with your car’s make and model.

Making sure that there is always a cap over the reservoir tank will help prevent dirt and debris from contaminating the tank as well as preventing you from losing wiper fluid while driving.

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